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January 1, 2022

#100DaysOfCode Go

by Alpha01

It’s been well over 10 years since I’ve learned a new programming language. While I’ve flirted with JavaScript to a certain point, I never truly did made an effort to learn it, given how horrifying that language is (there I said it). My programming journey began with simply Bash shell scripting, and Ruby in college. I won’t include Microsoft VisualBasic which I had a couple of courses in, because quite frankly I don’t remember much of it. As I got my second job as a Linux sysadmin in early 2008, that shifted towards me needing to learn PHP, and Perl; so I did. Then around that same time, seeing the popularity of Python, I’ve also decided to learn Python. So throughout all my tech career, I’ve extensively used Bash, Ruby, PHP, Perl, and Python in one way or another. So much, that I’m definitely comfortable using any of them, varying the problem I want to solve, hence I’ve have included them in my resumé.

Now in January 1, 2022, as stated in my New Year’s Resolution, I’ve made it an actual goal to learn Go in depth. It’s quite amazing to see how the tech industry has really embraced Go, as one of the defacto languages. My background is mostly all Linux DevOps, and the past two years I’ve been working extensively with Kubernetes. So being involved in the Kubernetes world, I feel somewhat constraint by the fact that I’m not well knowledge in the Go programming language. That’s why I want to learn this new powerful programming language.

I love the idea of the #100DaysOfCode challenge, as well as its community aspect. So I’ve decided that for the next 100 days, I’ll be learning Go. I’m going to be using Twitter for daily assertions, as well a weekly post on this blog to keep myself accountable. All of my code will be on I already have plans for some practical projects, such as writing a custom Kubernetes controller for a CRD using

For the study material, I’ll reading the book Go Programming Language and using the Udemy courses Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language and Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang).

Happy New Year, and happy Go hacking!

Tags: [ go ]
June 7, 2021

RIP Nagios

by Alpha01

It’s an end of an era, at least with me using Nagios or Nagios Core to be exact. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, Prometheus has become the defacto tool when it comes to system monitoring. While professionally, I stoped using Nagios a few years ago, but I still kept a Nagios server running in my HomeLab for internal monitoring along side Prometheus. What kept me from fully dumping Nagios, was having to migrate some of my custom alerts. However, this weekend I finally decided to give Nagios its final blow and migrate my custom alerts to Prometheus. With the help of the awesome Blackbox exporter, I was able to easily port over my custom http and dns alerts to Prometheus.

Like Nagios, I feel Prometheus also has a steep learning curve. However, overall I feel the benefits Prometheus brings like integration with cloud native system infrastructures, definitely outweigh the drawbacks of this awesome monitoring tool.


Tags: [ prometheus nagios ]
March 31, 2021

Updating BIND DNS records using Ansible

by Alpha01

This is a follow up to the post. Configure BIND to support DDNS updates Now, that I’m able to dynamically update DNS records, this is where Ansible comes in. Ansible is hands down my favorite orchestration/automation tool. So I choose to use it to update my local DNS records going forward.

I’ll be using the community.general.nsupdate module.

I constructed my DNS records on my nameserver’s corresponding Ansible group_vars using the following structure:

  - zone: DNS-NAME
      - record: (@ for $ORIGIN or normal record name )
        ttl: TTL-VALUE
        state: (present or absent)
        type: DNS-TYPE
        value: VALUE-OF-DNS-RECORD


  - zone: ""
      - record: "@"
        ttl: "10800"
        state: "present"
        type: "A"
        value: ""
      - record: "shit"
        ttl: "10800"
        state: "present"
        type: "A"
        value: ""
  - zone: ""
      - record: "@"
        ttl: "10800"
        state: "present"
        type: "A"
        value: ""
      - record: "test"
        ttl: "10800"
        state: "present"
        type: "A"
        value: ""

Deployment Ansible playbook:

- hosts:
    - name: Get algorithm from vault
        vault_algorithm: "{{ lookup('community.general.hashi_vault', 'secret/systems/bind:algorithm') }}"
      delegate_to: localhost

    - name: Get rndckey from vault
        vault_rndckey: "{{ lookup('community.general.hashi_vault', 'secret/systems/bind:rndckey') }}"
      delegate_to: localhost

    - name: Sync $ORIGIN records"
        key_name: "rndckey"
        key_secret: "{{ vault_rndckey }}"
        key_algorithm: "{{ vault_algorithm }}"
        server: ""
        port: "53"
        protocol: "tcp"
        ttl: "{{ item.1.ttl }}"
        record: "{{ }}."
        state: "{{ item.1.state }}"
        type: "{{ item.1.type }}"
        value: "{{ item.1.value }}"
      when: item.1.record == "@"
        - "{{ all_dns_records }}"
        - records
      notify: Sync zone files
      delegate_to: localhost

    - name: Sync DNS records"
        key_name: "rndckey"
        key_secret: "{{ vault_rndckey }}"
        key_algorithm: "{{ vault_algorithm }}"
        server: ""
        port: "53"
        protocol: "tcp"
        zone: "{{ }}"
        ttl: "{{ item.1.ttl }}"
        record: "{{ item.1.record }}"
        state: "{{ item.1.state }}"
        type: "{{ item.1.type }}"
        value: "{{ item.1.value }}"
      when: item.1.record != "@"
        - "{{ all_dns_records }}"
        - records
      notify: Sync zone files
      delegate_to: localhost

    - name: Check master config
      command: named-checkconf /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf
      changed_when: false

    - name: Check zone config
      command: "named-checkzone {{ item }} /var/named/chroot/etc/zones/db.{{ item }}"
        - "{{ all_dns_records | map(attribute='zone') | list }}"
      changed_when: false

    - name: Sync zone files
      command: rndc -c /var/named/chroot/etc/rndc.conf sync -clean

My DNS deployment a playbook breakdown:

  1. Grabs the Dynamic DNS update keys from HashiCorp Vault
  2. Syncs all of @ $ORIGIN records for all zone.
  3. Syncs all of the records.
  4. For good measure, but not necessary: Checks named.conf file
  5. For good measure, but not necessary: Checks each individual zone file
  6. Force dynamic changes to be applied to disk.

Given that in my environment I have roughly a couple of dozen DNS records, the structured for DNS records works in my environment. Thus said, my group_vars file with all my DNS records is almost 600 lines long. The playbook executing run takes around 1-2 minutes to complete. If I were to be in an environment where I had thousands of DNS records, the approached that I described here might not be the most efficient.

Tags: [ ansible bind ]
March 29, 2021

PHP 7.4 with Remi's RPM Repository

by Alpha01

Containerizing all my web applications has been on my things to do list for some years now. Until then, I shall continue to run some of my apps in a traditional VM shared environment.

Remi’s RPM Repository is the best RPM based repository if you want to easily run the latest upstream version of PHP. One of the benefits of using this repository in a shared environment is the ability to easily run multiple versions of PHP. My sites have been on PHP 7.2 until a few minutes ago. This was because PHP 7.2 is officially deprecated and no longer maintained, so being a good internet citizen I needed to upgrade to the latest PHP 7.4.

Upgrading to PHP 7.4 is extremely easy (assuming your app is not using and legacy functionality that was removed or changed). Since I had PHP 7.2 already running, I simply query for all php72 packages installed on my system, then install their php74 counterpart.

for package in $(rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}\n"|grep php72 |sed 's/php72/php74/g'); do yum install -y $package; done

All of the different PHP configurations can be found under /etc/opt/remi. Once all the packages have been installed, I ported over all my custom PHP ini and fpm settings. In addition I had to change the FPM node pool’s default listening node port. For example /etc/opt/remi/php74/php-fpm.d/www.conf

listen =

This is to avoid a port collision with the already running PHP-FPM pool that is being used by 7.2

Afterwards, I’m able to start my new PHP 7.4 FPM node pool.

systemctl enable php74-php-fpm
systemctl start php74-php-fpm

The last step, is simply updating my site’s Apache configuration to point to the new PHP 7.4 FPM node port.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /www/


    SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "" is_proxied=1

    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ cloudflare env=is_proxied
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined

    ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php)$ fcgi://$1
    ProxyTimeout 120
Tags: [ php ]
March 28, 2021

Deploying a 389 Directory Server

by Alpha01

So it’s been roughly nine months since I created a useful technical post on this site. So what better way to than to post the information about the newly deployed LDAP 389 Directory Server I just did on my homelab.

Ever since Red Hat announced that RHEL was going to be of no cost for developer and testing personal use (with limits, of course). This was perfect occasion for me to start using RHEL 8.


1). Disable SELinux (yes, I know. I should do better..)

sudo setenforce 0

2). Update firewall

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port={389/tcp,636/tcp,9830/tcp}
firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --list-all 

3). Install epel repo

yum install
yum module install 389-directory-server:stable/default

4). Create LDAP instance

config_version = 2


sample_entries = yes
suffix = dc=rubyninja,dc=org

5). Create 389 DS instance

dscreate from-file nstance.inf

6). Create ~/.dsrc config

# Note that '/' is replaced to '%%2f'.
uri = ldapi://%%2fvar%%2frun%%2fslapd-localhost.socket
basedn = dc=rubyninja,dc=org
binddn = cn=Directory Manager

7). Afterwards, I’m able to verify my installation

[root@ldap ldap]# dsctl localhost status
Instance "localhost" is running

8). Since, I kept the default settings when I created the Create 389 DS instance, my server received the name “localhost”. Hence why my ~/.dsrc config also has the instance configured as “localhost”. The corresponding systemd service and dirsrv@localhost and with the config files stored in /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost

systemctl status dirsrv@localhost

ls -l /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/

SSL Configuration

By default the ds-389 setup is using self-sign certificates. The following was used to install my self-sign cert for

1). Create private root CA key ssh signed cert

openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 4096 -out rootCA.pem

2). I created the following script to easily generate a certificate key-pair signed by my custom local CA.


[[ ! -d "./certs" ]] && mkdir certs

cat \
/etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf \
- \
<<-CONFIG > certs/ca-selfsign-ssl.cnf

[ san ]

# generate client key
openssl genrsa -out certs/ssl.key 4096

# generate csr
openssl req \
-sha256 \
-new \
-key certs/ssl.key \
-reqexts san \
-extensions san \
-subj "/" \
-config certs/ca-selfsign-ssl.cnf \
-out certs/ssl.csr

# sign cert
openssl x509 -req -in certs/ssl.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -days 2048 -sha256 -extensions san -extfile certs/ca-selfsign-ssl.cnf -out certs/ssl.crt

3). Then I had to certutil utility to view the names and attributes the default SSL certs had.

[root@ldap]# certutil -L -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/ -f /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/pwdfile.txt

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

ca_cert                                                      CT,,
Server-Cert                                                  u,u,u

4). Once I made note of the name and attributes of the SSL certificates, we will first need to delete them before replacing them with my custom SSL certs. Deletion:

certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/ -n Server-Cert -f /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/pwdfile.txt -D Server-Cert.crt
certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/ -n Self-Signed-CA -f /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/pwdfile.txt -D Self-Signed-CA.pem

5). Adding new SSL certs:

certutil -A -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/ -n "ca_cert" -t "CT,," -i rootCA.pem -f /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/pwdfile.txt
certutil -A -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/ -n "Server-Cert" -t ",," -i ssl/ssl.crt -f /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/pwdfile.txt

6). While the certutil utility manages signed public and CA certificates. Private SSL certificates are managed by the pk12util utility. However, before we use this tool, we must covert the X.509 private ssl certificate to a pkcs12 format.

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certs/ssl.pfx -inkey certs/ssl.key -in certs/ssl.crt -certfile /root/ssl/rootCA.pem

7). Afterwards, we can added it to our LDAP SSL database.

pk12util -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/ -i certs/ssl.pfx

8). Lastly, restart the service

systemctl restart dirsrv@localhost


Tags: [ 389-directoryserver rhel ldap ]