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MCA Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Administrator Study Guide: Exam AZ-104
308 / 435 Pages

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September 4, 2013

Reverse DNS in BIND 9.8

by Alpha01

I use BIND on my home network, and giving the bast amount of virtual machines I have online, I’ve always find myself wanting to easily look up which machine is using which IP address without having to ssh into the actual vm or check the zone file. Configuring reverse DNS in BIND 9.8 is actually a dead simple process.

First, a separate zone file for PTR records needs to be created, I named mine db. Note: since my network address space is 192.168.1, the actual PTR record will be the network address backgrounds followed by

$TTL 3h
@       IN SOA (
                                        2013090701      ; serial
                                        3h              ; refresh after 3 hours
                                        1h              ; retry after 1 hour
                                        1w              ; expire after 1 week
                                        1H )            ; negative caching TTL of 1 hour

              IN      NS
              IN      NS      IN      PTR

Lastly, the zone entry needs to be added to the master named.conf file. Mine looks like this

zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "etc/zones/db.";
        allow-query { any; };

After reloading Bind, you verify reverse DNS works by using the utility of your choice; ie dig, host, nslookup, etc..

Address: name =
Tags: [ bind ]
August 13, 2013

Exporting data in MySQL to an XML file

by Alpha01

So I just started reading a new MySQL administration book and starting to learn cool things that I didn’t even know. One cool feature MySQL supports that I wasn’t aware of is the ability to export and import data to and from XML files.

For example the following will export the table City from world database to an XML file.

root@mysql:~# mysql --xml -e 'SELECT * from world.City' > city.xml

To import data from the XML itself can be accomplished using the LOAD XML statement.

(root@localhost) [world] LOAD XML INFILE 'city.xml' INTO TABLE City;
Query OK, 4079 rows affected, 14 warnings (0.81 sec)
Records: 4079  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 14


Tags: [ mysql ]
July 28, 2013

ZFS on Linux: Kernel updates

by Alpha01

Just as I would expect, updating both the kernel’s of the machine that is running VirtualBox and its virtual machines and the ZFS enabled Linux virtual machine has completed with absolutely no issues. Originally, I was more concern on updating the host VirtualBox machine’s kernel given that I’ve never really done this in the past using the additional VirtualBox Extension Pack add-on before, while on the other hand I wasn’t to concern regarding the ZFS kernel module, given that it was installed as part of a dkms kernel module rpm. Which regardless of what people think about dkms modules, as a sysadmin that have worked with Linux systems with them (proprietary), it’s certainly a relief knowing that little or no additional work is needed to rebuild the respective module after updating to a newer kernel.

Tags: [ ubuntu virtualbox zfs ]
June 1, 2013

lsof alternative in Solaris 11

by Alpha01

(Warning: output is pretty ugly)

pfiles /proc/*
Tags: [ solaris networking ]