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7 April 2015

Google Apps API OAuth2 shenanigans

by Alpha01

So I literally was just about to start flipping tables because I wasn’t able to get my Google Apps API OAuth2 api verification to work. I was getting the following error:

401. That’s an error.

Error: invalid_client

no support email

As the documentation describes, I created my application and enabled Calendar API access to it, and lastly setup my credentials. The problem was that I was generating my OAuth 2.0 client IDs without completing the app’s consent screen data. As soon as I specified my email address in my app’s consent screen data and regenerated new a client ID, I was able to authenticate my application. If only the Google Developer Console would’ve given a warning of some sort prior to generating a client ID, a lot of #!%6@*# moments would’ve been avoided.

Tags: [ google python ]