Instant Metasploit Starter
by Alpha01
Packt Publishing’s Instant Starter book serious are a lot like O’Reilly pocket reference/guides book series. Instant Metasploit Starter is a really short introduction guide to the Metasploit Framework. As expected, this book mostly describes using Metasploit via msfconsole over any other interfaces to the Metasploit Framework. This book does an excellent job describing the absolute basics of the core essential parts of Metasploit; Msfconsole, Exploits/Payloads, Meterpreter and Auxiliary Modules.
This book is short, with a total of 60 pages (epub Ebook), this book covers a basic (yet deadly) Microsoft Windows RPC DCOM exploit, and the cool things we can do once we have a Meterpreter session with the compromised system as well as a browser based client-side attacks using auxiliary modules. This book teaches you enough material, were you should be able to easily play around with other different exploits and their respective payloads.
I’m not an InfoSec professional (not yet at least) nor am I an Metasploit Framework expert by any means, thus said, I was surprised how such a short book can well describe the basics of Metasploit, and thus would recommend it to anyone interested in learning the MSF. This book gives you the good solid grounds were you can then later read other books that cover the MSF more in detailed, as well as the awesome documentation that the wonderful team at Offensive Security provides,
Rating: 4/5
Instant Metasploit Starter: The art of ethical hacking made easy with Metasploit
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