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28 March 2021

Configure BIND to support DDNS updates

by Alpha01

I use BIND on my home network for both authoritative and forwarding name resolution. In it I have a few private DNS zones I use for testing and for my homelab setup. The main primary dns zone I use for my homelab is Previously when I wanted to make DNS changes, I just ssh into my master nameserver, I update the zone file, and reload. While this worked great for me these last 10+ years that I’ve running BIND. It obviously doesn’t follow good DevOps practices.

If you’re in a normal BIND environment where you already using rndc, to administer your server, then you’re almost quite there.

BIND Configuration

1). Secret Key Transaction Authentication (TSIG) key. (Where ddnskey. is the name of the key) Approach A: Using dnssec-keygen

mkdir ddns
dnssec-keygen -a hmac-md5 -b 512 -n HOST -r /dev/urandom ddnskey.

The above command will create two Kddnskey files. One ending *.private while the other *.key.

Approach A: Using tsig-keygen

tsig-keygen -a hmac-md5 ddnskey.

Either approach is fine, for this example I opted to use dnssec-keygen since I’ll be using the created key file to test a dynamic dns update.

2). Update named.conf file. Include the newly created key configuration:

key "ddnskey." {
        algorithm      "hmac-md5";
        secret          "PRIVATEKEYHERE==";

Now, it’s just a matter of setting the allow-update configuration to allow updates using our newly created key.

zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "etc/zones/";
        allow-transfer { trusted-servers; };
        allow-query { any; };
        allow-update { key rndckey; };

zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "etc/zones/";
        allow-transfer { trusted-servers; };
        allow-query { any; };
        allow-update { key "ddnskey."; };

It is worth indicating that BIND also includes the update-policy option for more finer-grained options for the type of updates that we want to allow.

3). Testing using the tool dnsupdate (part of bind-utils) we can easily test doing an update to verify the setup works as expected.

$  nsupdate -d -k Kddnskey.+157+06602.key
Creating key...
> server
> zone
> update add 3600 A
> send


Tags: [ bind ]