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4 November 2018

Log Varnish/proxy and Local Access Separately in Apache

by Alpha01

I use Varnish on all of my web sites, with Apache as the backend web server. All Varnish traffic that hits my sites, is traffic that originates from the internet, while all access from my local home network hits Apache directly (Accomplished using local BIND authoritative servers).

For the longest time, I’ve been logging all direct Apache traffic and traffic originating from Varnish to the same Apache access file. It turns out, segmenting the access logs is a very easy task. This can be accomplish, with the help of environment variables in Apache using SetEnvIf.

For example, my Varnish server’s local IP is, and SetEnvIf can use Remote_Addr (IP address of the client making the request), as part of it’s set condition. So in my case, I can check if the originating request came from my Varnish server’s “” address, if so set the is_proxied environment variable. Afterwards I can use the is_proxied environment variable to tell Apache where to log that access request too.

Inside my VirtualHost directive, the log configuration looks like this:

SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "" is_proxied=1

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ cloudflare env=is_proxied
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/ combined

Unfortunately, we can’t use this same technique to log the error logs separately as ErrorLog does not support this.

Tags: [ apache varnish ]